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What is Occupational Therapy?

By AASLNovember 2nd

Every day, you partake in activities that create a healthy and balanced lifestyle. These tasks can be things like washing your hair, brushing your teeth, or cleaning your home. These tasks are defined as “occupations”. For a child with special needs or delayed development, these tasks can become particularly difficult.  Occupational therapy works to develop and nurture the skills needed for these occupations.

How To Write a Letter

By AASLOctober 28th

Writing a letter seems like a lost art in the world of technology. Given the current pandemic, letter writing has... View Article

Veggie Play: Help your Little One Learn to Love Vegetables

By AASLMay 26th

Does your child cry, immediately push the plate away or refuse to even take a bite out of a vegetable? When a child dislikes a particular food often times it results in negative behaviors as a result of increased anxiety surrounding a particular food or food group. Here are 5 tips to increase a child’s outlook and engagement with vegetables by engaging their senses!

7 Tips To Avoid Screen Time Burn Out

By AASLApril 21st

Screen-time is happening in all forms these days; virtual/remote learning is still being utilized within many schools, therapies including speech and occupational therapy are able to be provided via teletherapy, and many children still enjoy screen-time during their free time at home. We wanted to share our top tips with you to help maximize the times when your child does have to participate in on-screen lessons and to keep their motivation high!