3 Tips For Helping Manage Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)

By AASLMarch 30, 2021

The term auditory processing often is used loosely by individuals in many different settings to mean many different things, and the label APD (also referred to as Central Auditory Processing Disorders – CAPD) has been applied (often incorrectly) to a wide variety of difficulties and disorders. Generally speaking, APD manifests as poor listening skills or an inability to process auditory information, pay attention to, remember, discriminate, or use auditory information for academic and social purposes. Children who have APD have hearing that is within normal limits. APD can only be diagnosed by an Audiologist, however, is treated by a speech-language pathologist as it impacts language and social development; and is only typically diagnosed around 7-8 years old. Children are sometimes misdiagnosed as having ADHD when they have a APD. Children with APD have difficulty following directions, inconsistent response patterns to speech related tasks, frequently ask for repetitions of information that is presented verbally, have increased difficulty in noisy surroundings, misunderstand what is being said, and cannot remember information presented verbally. We put a list together of 3 tips to help parents manage APD.

3 Tips for Helping Manage Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)

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