How Our Team Can Customize AAC Devices to Spark Your Child’s Interest!

By AASLJuly 5, 2023

At All About Speech and Language, we believe that every child’s journey with Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) devices should be catered to their unique interests. We understand that communication is not just about expressing needs but also about connecting with the things your child loves. Today’s AAC devices can be personalized to maximize your child’s active participation with their device. Our team of Speech-Language Pathologists are breaking down how we can modify and customize AAC devices to empower your child to select and engage with the things that make them truly happy!

Exploring Your Child’s Interests

We know that your child has a variety of interests and passions that encourage them to engage in the learning process. Our team will spend time getting to know your child and their preferences. By understanding what piques their interest, we can tailor the AAC device to emphasize their favorite activities, hobbies, characters, and more. This customization will help create an engaging and motivating communication experience. Our therapists will collaborate with your child to choose vocabulary that aligns with their passions. Whether it’s superheroes, animals, sports, or anything in between, we’ll ensure the AAC device is loaded with words and phrases that excite your child and encourage them to communicate confidently.

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