From the Desk of Ms. Brieann: Let’s Help Each Other Grow

By AASLMarch 24, 2017

Who doesn’t love Pinterest?  It’s the source of everything “happy” it seems from pinning about recipes, weddings, babies, home decor, travel, inspiration, quotes…the list goes on and on.  And as therapists, my oh my do we live here for countless ideas and resources to make therapy more fun and exciting for all our clients at the offices!  Stay tuned for some future All About Speech & Language updates and what we are planning to bring to you all moving forward 🙂  there is always some exciting “thing” in the works for us to share with you!

But I digress….back to this cute little picture….I came across this quote the other day and the words in it just resonated with me as I sent a little Monday Motivation along to our team in a group text.  And how apropos for spring…”Let’s root for each other and watch each other grow”

Spring is commonly known for clearing out the “dust” in our lives, and many of us find each other sorting, organizing, throwing away, donating, and finding that sense of order, cleanliness, and possibility as we dive into the remainder of the year.  Spring is also a time for new life budding and blooming with the warmth of the sun, rebirth and freedom in many religions, and a time of general anticipation, happiness, and excitement.

While I personally love spring, especially in FL, as it is what I consider to be some of our best weather of the year, and I get my green thumb ready for planting flowers and vegetables at my home, I am always reminded of some simple, sweet truths and words to ponder and wanted to share those with you all.

  • Live into the anticipation of what this season means to you; live this out through daily practice of gratitude. (Attitudes of Gratitude)
  • Bring some element of the outdoors inside as nature has a way of grounding us.
  • What “spring cleaning” can I do in my own life to create a better version of myself for others?
  • What is one new possibility I want to create that I can make a reality… For myself?  My family?  For others?

One final thought: I also believe we can take this spring to go beyond ourselves and think of or be present to others…like this quote says, “let’s root for each other so we can help each other grow!”  The tiniest seeds planted can amount to huge growth in our friends, families, and even strangers.  The seeds we plant for others I promise will return to you…and you will be left a more fulfilled, gratified, and better person, one that has truly blossomed this spring season!

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